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Jalapeno Peppers (hot) Green/Red 50g


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Jalapeno Peppers (hot) Green/Red 50g

Jalapeno Peppers, 50g

Fresh Jalapeno Peppers from Holland.

While originating in Mexico, it is now grown worldwide for it’s popular flavor and mild heat level, which averages around 5,000 Scoville Heat Units.
That is hot, but not too hot, depending on your tolerance.

THE MEANING OF JALAPENO: The name “jalapeno” is Spanish for “Jalapa” (or Xalapa), the capital of Veracruz, Mexico. Jalapenos were originally grown there, hence the name.


A typical jalapeno pepper packs more vitamin C than an orange, so if you need your extra C, grab a jalapeno.
How much vitamin C, you ask? A single 14 gram jalapeno pepper contains 10% of your daily needs. According to Nutrition Data, a single 73 gram chili pepper contains 83%.
Jalapenos and other spicy chili peppers can also help you lose or control your weight.

Capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili peppers hot, is a thermogenic. Thermogenics stimulate the body’s burning of fat by increasing the metabolism of the body’s adipose tissue, generating heat.
For losing weight, a smart and healthy move is to drop fatty foods and replace them with some chili pepper spice, along with the inclusion of regular exercise, of course.
At Daegu University, Korea, biotechnologist Jong Won Yun and colleagues report that capsicum lowers caloric intake, shrinks fat tissue and reduces fat levels in the blood.


When cooking with them, use them as you would use a bell pepper. Remove the stem, chop them, then use them as the recipe calls for.
You can core the jalapenos to reduce the overall heat if you’d like.
Jalapenos are also wonderful when roasted. You can roast them over an open flame until the skins char and bubble, then peel them off. Or you can broil or bake them to roast them.