Whistlestop tour of the farm

09/07/2013 0 Comment(s) General News,

The weather has been fantastic and we are loaded down with the freshest healthiest veg around. We are out around the clock harvesting and packing. I thought it would be nice to give you a photo tour of the farm so you can see where your food is coming from and who is harvesting and growing it!


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Green Curly Kale one of the main superfoods you can eat, really good for you, and at the moment the leaves are tender.


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We plan to be harvesting our first early potatoes, next week, variety is Orla and they are fantastic!




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Fresh Celery and some tomatoes


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We have several varieties of tomatoes, from the older "Gardeners Delight" to the newer hybrid varieties.

All grown for taste.



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I think these are possibly the best ever and the sweetest flavour. For now you will have to visit the market in

Mocycullen which runs every Friday from 12-7pm.  You can also drop by the farm shop on a Wednesday (2-7pm)

to get them, once we have more we will offer them online too.


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There is nothing like the taste of fresh cucumbers, I have one in my juice whenever I get time to make it!


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A picture of one of our tomato tunnels taken a week ago.


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Fresh sweetcorn just a little experiment to see how they grow.


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Wild rocket, this crop is past harvest as it has gotten too big, we will cut it back and it will come up again

you have to love plants like that!


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If you have some fresh tomatoes there is nothing better than mixing it with fresh salad, and we have loads

of fresh organic salad. I would say that salad is probably my top veg that I would eat organically if I had to only

choose one. Notice some of the little holes in one or two of the leaves. This is caused by a little insect called

a flea beetle, they nibble a bit of the leaft. They are completely harmless and you won't find any in the salad,

but conventional salad would be sprayed for these creatures and lots of other things too.


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Beetroot another superfood, best it it is fresh, great for juicing too. You can use leaves and all,

these are sold as baby beets, very tender and very fresh.


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Here's Ramona who harvests most of our salad. It is important to get it into the cold room quickly so it doesn't

wilt. We currently harvest about 100kg of salad/week if you can imagine that it is about 20 of those boxes!

That's  fair mountain of salad leaf.


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Our first planting of beetroot, all ready for harvest now.


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The man from Del Monte says yes! Declan just bringing a few of the fresh harvested heads of broccoli

up from the field.


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Fresh spinach, again we try to harvest this early in the morning especially these days as it wilts in the high

temperature. This isn't a problem we have faced over the last three summers though!


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One of the many lettuce varieties we use in our salad mix.


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Tom packing up some carrots!


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One of our small veg boxes, jam packed with farm produce.

I hope you enjoyed our little tour, feel free to drop out to the farm shop on Wednesdays and have a wander around the tunnels.

If you fancy a bit of salad, why not order a bag now for delivery!